Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still Waiting

Mangosteen Tree
This is a Mangosteen tree we planted quite a few years ago, probably over 15. We are still waiting for some fruit. Hopeing. Any year now I'm expecting to see a bloom or two, harbingers of upcoming little mangosteens. Sometimes in our spiritual lives we seem to have a long wait for certain fruits or usefullness. But, we have to know that "He who began a good work in us will complete it."

My daily readings in Scripture have taken me to the controversial section in Ezekiel describing the yet-to-be built temple. Reading about all the gates and guard alcoves, which face inward, it occurred to me that trouble, in both families and governments, often comes from within. This may account for the use of the Greek word "naos", meaning a spiritual temple of God's people, rather than "hieron", a physical building of wood and stone, in 2 Thessalonians 2:4, where the "man of lawlessness" sets himself up. So, we might assume that the Antichrist will come out of the church, accompanied by signs and miracles. Aside from this point, I found my questions about animal sacrifices being reestablished and what the temple would look like were nicely and quite accurately answered from the book by Paul Jablonowski at his website. For the final answers, we'll just have to wait, though he seems to feel we're right at the end of this age.

Back to the subject of waiting on the Lord, (I'm still meditating on that) and thinking about Moses again. He was in a sort of semi-retirement (like me) his sons likely grown and doing a lot of the work he had once done. Was he now so used to the peace and quiet of country life, far from successful military campaigns, or the intrigue, rumors and energy of city living, of the royal court in Egypt, that he had even forgotten that vision of delivering his people? Perhaps, settled and comfortable, he also enjoyed the solitude and simple routines.

God needed to use a burning bush to get his attention. And, once he had it, to use miracles and a lot of convincing to get him going. Those of us who don't have a problem saying "no" may be so caught up in doing the comfortable routines, that we miss or avoid God's call. On the other hand, the opposite error is in being so busy, caught up in all kinds of volunteer work, groups, and clubs - often for that feeling of being needed -that real needs, priorities, assignments may go unheard or put aside for lack of time.


  1. Wow that is a long time to wait for fruit!

  2. When we get some, I'll throw a mangosteen party.
