This being only my third post, the whole blogging scene is very new to me. I feel as though I've been lost in space and just got back. So, to catch up I've been doing a little research, reading lots of different blogs (especially my favorites - the cooking ones) and some of the comments posted. It's been a bit of a surprise though, the level of anger out there (not on the cooking ones) being expressed toward people with differing opinions or beliefs, not to mention hostility toward God. Right now, in my Old Testament reading, I've just finished with Leviticus. In Lev. 26:14-30, the Lord details a number of scary consequences which he warns the people will result from their hostility towards himself and his laws - and it ain't pretty! Reminds me of Revelation 16, where the 7 bowls of God's wrath are being poured out and, even as people are suffering and in misery, they "cursed the God of heaven" and "refused to repent of what they had done." On a very popular site the author, as well as commentators, speak of "thumbing their noses" at God, because of a miscarriage, sad experience and perceived injustice. It seems a bit silly, really. If you believe in an all powerful God, whose fault you think it was, I'd say, it would be wiser to not attract more negative attention - hey get on his good side. Where does "thumbing your nose" get you? And, more likely, if you don't really believe there is a God, who are you venting your anger at? This posted statement, in particular grabbed me:
"And it's so true, if Jesus saw a pregnant woman who had fallen to the ground, he'd surely walk up and kick her in the stomach. I remember that teaching specifically."
I won't give the "credit" or source, as we'll try to avoid negative input, but it did make me think. The remark takes a universal point of view, that any pregnant woman, no matter who she is, what her life is like, what she's involved in, etc. etc., is a sympathetic figure and somehow "worthy". No bad shit should ever happen. Like saying all people of African descent are good or all white people are bad or .... you get the picture.
I remember having a bad fall from my horse several years ago. I was laid up, flat on my back, hoping it would heal soon. Strangely enough, that time was one of real spiritual growth, during which I drew much closer to God. I guess what we're saying here is that, just because bad things happen, sometimes to good people, it doesn't mean fine stuff can't be made out of it. That all depends on what we do with the situation. Suck lemons or make lemonade.
As an addendum, I just read a review of Night of Weeping & Morning of Joy, by Horatius Bonar. A new printing by Reformation Heritage Books and reviewed by Tony Reinke at The Shepherd's Scrapbook. The book is on "how to interpret the difficult circumstances of our life on earth in light of the eternal promises and purposes of God."
Life in Christ is preparation for something greater—"the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Bonar calls us to pay attention to the suffering and trials of this life because God is at work in all of the trials and struggles of this life, to prepare us for something greater, more gracious, and more glorious." We are tested to growth through circumstances and relationships.
Sounds like a book I want to read.
Pro 31:29
ReplyDelete“Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.”