No distractions. It is priority one.
So, what is my focus? What is priority one in my life? Hopefully, not anything material. I was just talking to my nephew about Emergency Medic as a career option, discussing how you deal with the death of someone you may have grown close to. But, we're all on that train of life, not knowing what stop will be ours. We're all terminal, in terms of this life. Only a relationship with God extends the trip into eternity. You can think of it in that way. You may be the one who keeps them on the train for awhile, and or the one who helps them get an eternal ticket.
You get the idea. Number one, top priority, intense focus needs to be that relationship with my Creator. Because I don't know, and none of us do, how much time we have on this life train.
Speaking of Focus did you see what Dobson said about Barrack Husein Obama? I think Dobson should stay focused on the gospel and stay out of politics.