Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Maybe Mime?

Memory Lane - The now dis-banded mime troop
What fun to be in the Green Room again last night, re-joining New Hope's drama group, after a number of years away. A completely different crew were present and with a terrific, non-competitive, joyful spirit, seeking God's direction. I loved it. The sushi and pig-in-a-blanket munchies were good too. Looking forward to serving however I can. Maybe even mime.

My reading this morning brought me to:
"Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand."
And the question, I'm wondering - what is a more "seeker sensitive" issue, tithing or hell? Any thoughts? There have been posts on various Christian blogs about the recent changes at Willow Creek. All very interesting, and what some of us have been saying for awhile, about the necessity of believers being self-feeding. I'm so glad that's being emphasized now.


  1. someone is missing from this picture heh heh

  2. Maybe the photographer? Do you ever get the urge to mime around some more?

  3. not really, but I was on this team and had lots of fun...strange, but good fun.
